Intergovernmental Relations in the United States and France: A Comparative Study of Vertical Power Structures and Horizontal Collaboration -

Intergovernmental Relations in the United States and France: A Comparative Study of Vertical Power Structures and Horizontal Collaboration

Publication Date : 23/09/2024

Author(s) :

TUOYO, Lorreta Enaife Ologho.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 1
Issue 9
(09 - 2024)

Abstract :

ABSTRACT This comparative study analyzes intergovernmental relations (IGR) in the United States and France, focusing on vertical power structures and horizontal collaboration. The aim is to examine how differing governance systems influence local autonomy and collaborative mechanisms. The research objectives include exploring the dynamics of vertical power-sharing, identifying mechanisms of horizontal collaboration, assessing implications for governance, and evaluating challenges within IGR in both contexts. Employing a theoretical framework of federalism and unitarism, the study elucidates how these governance models shape policy formulation and implementation. Federalism in the U.S. allows for significant state autonomy, enabling states to tailor policies to local needs while fostering innovation. However, this autonomy often leads to conflicts with federal authorities, complicating policy coherence. In contrast, France's unitary system centralizes power, which, despite efforts toward decentralization, often limits regional autonomy and responsiveness to local issues. The methodology involved a comparative analysis of secondary data sources, including academic literature and government reports. Data were systematically presented through tables summarizing key findings related to vertical and horizontal relations. The study reveals that the U.S. federal system promotes a more fluid horizontal collaboration among states, whereas France's structured approach can restrict local initiatives. Key findings highlight that the U.S. offers greater local autonomy and diverse regulatory landscapes, while France experiences greater uniformity and potential bureaucratic inertia. Recommendations include enhancing state-federal collaboration in the U.S. and strengthening regional autonomy in France. Overall, this study contributes to understanding the complexities of IGR and offers insights for improving governance in both federal and unitary systems. Keywords: Intergovernmental Relations, United States, France, Comparative Study,Vertical Power Structures, Horizontal Collaboration

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